FOCUS: Park Circle Art Walk set for April 10

Staff reports  |  Almost four dozen painters, sculptors, musicians and other artists will be participating in an April 10 North Charleston community art show in front yards throughout Park Circle.

According to a press release, the art show, which lasts from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., has been reimagined to take into account social distancing and the coronavirus.  “It has been close to impossible to have indoor art shows so our creative minds got together to create a walking, biking, or car riding art show in our community,” the release said.  

“Each artist will display, and some will have their works of art for sale, in their front yards throughout our beautiful community. We recommend viewing the show from your car, scooter, golf cart, or whatever mode of transportation you prefer. The weather is perfect and we are excited to be able to safely interact with each other.”

You can download a map of the artists and where they will display their work.  Food trucks will be in the area.  Student work will be on view at the courtyard of nearby North Charleston High School, 1087 E. Montague Ave.

  • More information is available on Facebook.

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