FOCUS: Register to vote by Oct. 8

16-vote700Staff reports  |  As the mother of all debates is set for tonight between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump, you won’t be able to have your say at the polls Nov. 8 unless your registered to vote.  The deadline to register in South Carolina is Oct. 8.

You might want to click the first link, especially if you haven’t voted in the last few elections, to make sure you haven’t been purged from voter rolls due to inactivity.  [We suggest you check anyway, especially if you’ve moved in the last few years.]

According to the most recent information from the S.C. Election Commission, some 3,081,428 South Carolinians are registered to vote.  In Charleston County, 274,547 people are registered to vote, the second largest number by county in the state.  Greenville County is first with 308,884 registered voters.

To become a voter, you can also register at your county board of voter registration or download a voter registration and mail it to the board.  If you’re not going to register in person, you want to account for mailing times to make sure things work out like you hope.  Learn more about how to register.

The presidential debates start tonight

16-0926-bingoTonight’s 90-minute debate, which may have a television audience of Super Bowl proportions, is the first of three between Clinton and Trump.  It will be held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., and will start at 9 p.m.  Other debates are scheduled for Oct. 9 at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., and Oct. 19 at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nev.  A debate between the vice presidential candidates, Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine and GOP Gov. Mike Pence, will be Oct. 4 at Longwood University in Farmville, Va.

While political parties and politicos are having a flurry of debate-watching parties, you might want to have a little fun while watching at home by filling out some debate bingo cards.  Cards list issues that are likely to come up as well as political catch phrases, such as “it takes a village” or “the system is rigged” or “lies” or “build a wall.” Here are some links to cards you might want to consider:


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