FEEDBACK: Facebook responds on lint column

00_icon_feedbackWhile readers didn’t send letters on Andy Brack’s recent column about lint, it got noticed on Facebook.

  • A friend from Atlanta writes: “There is ANOTHER issue here as well… ‘Lint’ is largely comprised of microfibers, most of which are pulled into our sewage treatment systems once they pass through the washer. Sadly, these large facilities are oftentimes unequipped to filter those fibers out before the treated water is returned to our rivers and oceans, where they are then consumed by fish… and bigger fish… and humans. The circle of life… ? Maybe the time will come when we have lint traps on our WASHERS as well as our dryers, thereby reducing fire hazards AND health hazards.”
  • Another friend from Greenville notes: “One last tip for your dryer: Take the lint trap out of the dryer and wash it after you clear it of lint. Those dryer sheets cause a film buildup that you can’t see. You’ll be surprised the first time you do it. Water won’t penetrate the screen.”

Better safe than sorry.

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