FOCUS: Grad students revel in everything Charleston

Staff reports  |  Looking at Charleston through the eyes of outsiders is revealing.

During Spoleto Festival USA and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, seven graduate arts journalism students from Syracuse University wrote more than three dozen previews, reviews and stories to connect enthusiasts with the city’s bubbling art scene. Along the way, they noticed things about the Holy City.  You might know some of them; others may be novel.  Regardless, their observations highlight the depth and breadth of what it is to be in Charleston — for visitors and residents.  

1: Charleston green. The color “Charleston Green” has a storied past, one that now makes me wonder about the history of other iconic colors. Whether the murky, dark shade came from mold on dark shutters, degrading paint or color-loving locals fighting against government-issued black paint by mixing it with yellow and blue, it has its place in the city.

by · 06/21/2021 · Comments are Disabled · Uncategorized