PHOTO ESSAY: West Ashley Greenway needs a little tender loving care

Staff reports  |  If there’s one thing that the coronavirus pandemic has done, it’s made people get outside more often.  The perfect testament is the West Ashley Greenway, which seems busier than ever.  

But the upside of more use also means there’s more trash and wear on what essentially is a walking park that stretches for miles. 

This photo essay shows conditions along the greenway at various West Ashley intersections with city streets.

If you want to let the city know what you think about its parks, the city is undertaking an update to its comprehensive plan (see news briefs), which includes seeking input about parks and recreation. 

You can have your say by clicking on this link: 

Take the One Charleston park survey.

These photos follow the greenway from Folly Road to Arrington Drive.

by · 08/24/2020 · 1 comment · Focus, Photo Essay, Photos