Post Tagged with: "LIFE"

FOCUS: Photo memories from the 1960s

FOCUS: Photo memories from the 1960s

By Chuck Boyd, special to Charleston Currents  |  In 1964, I had a picture pending to be on the full MISCELLANY page in LIFE Magazine, but I could not identify where it was taken!

I was in a helicopter, returning inland after taking photos of surfers for my newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune. I was a staff photographer for the paper, lugging a bulky 4×5 Speed Graphic camera. I quickly managed to grab two shots as we passed over an apple orchard with the word “QUIET” plowed in the field in huge letters.

Back at the paper, the editor passed on using it, but when I sent a copy to LIFE magazine, the editors immediately called to say they needed a caption with the facts! We photographers at the paper had submitted shots before and always received a polite stock rejection slip… but this time, they phoned me.

5/13, FULL ISSUE: LIFE memory; Wrong CHE finalist; Palmetto Poem

5/13, FULL ISSUE: LIFE memory; Wrong CHE finalist; Palmetto Poem


FOCUS: Photo memories from the 1960s
COMMENTARY, Brack: Not hard to connect the dots on CHE finalist
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Morris Financial Concepts, Inc.
PALMETTO POEM: four eyes
GOOD NEWS: Hollings Cancer Center wins renewal as national Cancer Center
FEEDBACK: Two years for a new pier?
MYSTERY PHOTO: Interesting roofscape
S.C. ENCYCLOPEDIA: Education in South Carolina
CALENDAR: From a luncheon to a play and lots of suds

by · 05/13/2019 · Comments are Disabled · Full issue