FOCUS: Area students name five cranes at new terminal

Staff reports  |  What do these five names have in common — Nifty Lifty, Sir Lift-A-Lot, No Crane No Gain, South Craneolina and The Reel Steel?

Answer:  They’re the new names of five big ship-to-shore cranes at the S.C. Ports Authority’s Hugh K. Leatherman Terminal in North Charleston.

Each of the cranes was named as part of a “Name the Cranes” contest with area elementary students in third to fifth grades.  The winners represent five schools and four municipalities, including two schools in North Charleston, which is where Leatherman Terminal is located, according to the ports.

“South Carolina Ports enjoys partnering with local schools to engage students and connect them to our operations and workforce. Our Names the Cranes contest is a really special way for students to connect with the port,” said Barbara Melvin, chief operating officer of SC Ports.

by · 06/07/2021 · Comments are Disabled · Focus, Good news