Post Tagged with: "Joshie"

FOCUS, White: A local example of excellence and exceeding expectations

FOCUS, White: A local example of excellence and exceeding expectations

By Craig White  |  I have a similar story [to Brack’s column on Joshie the Giraffe] involving the staff of Charleston Place.

My wife, two small children (ages 10 and 7) and I were visiting Charleston over a decade ago.  At dinner the night before we were scheduled to head home to Greenwood, my wife started feeling very ill.  We decided to get up early the following morning and get her home. As the night progressed, she grew much worse and was in terrible pain.  We bundled the kids up and took her to MUSC’s emergency room.

On the way out of Charleston Place, I told the front desk staff that I was taking my wife to the hospital and I would be back as soon as possible to pack and check out. They said not to worry about it and wished us well at the hospital.

by · 09/04/2018 · Comments are Disabled · Focus, Good news
8/20, full issue: Good breakfasts; Joshie the Giraffe; North Charleston library

8/20, full issue: Good breakfasts; Joshie the Giraffe; North Charleston library

FOCUS: Start the day with a great breakfast
COMMENTARY, Brack:  Go the extra mile, do the extra work and exceed expectations
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Titan Termite & Pest Control
GOOD NEWS:  Plans to be unveiled for new North Charleston library
WHAT WE LOVE: Floating and fishing on the Edisto
FEEDBACK: Readers respond to column on Dick Riley
MYSTERY PHOTO:  Look familiar
S.C. ENCYCLOPEDIA: The lettered olive
CALENDAR, Aug. 20+:  ACLU to have back-to-back events

by · 08/19/2018 · Comments are Disabled · Full issue