FOCUS: Remembering adventurer and author Clive Cussler

By J. Dean Foster, special to Charleston Currents  | Dirk Pitt never cried, until today. 

Rest in peace Clive Cussler, a true gentleman, a throwback and a real life adventurer followed and enjoyed by millions of readers. 

He was my client. I met him in May 1995 when he called late at night from the Mount Pleasant Holiday Inn bar and insisted I come there immediately. 

He was with his team of hired divers, just returned from a mile out of Charleston harbor and with startling news: they discovered the H.L. Hunley, the first submarine to sink a warship. 

Cussler and crew were celebrating with rounds of drinks: Guinness in a glass mug with a shot of Gosling’s Black Seal rum dropped into the bottom. They called it “Hunley’s depth charge” and pushed one my way. 

by · 03/02/2020 · Comments are Disabled · Focus, Good news