FOCUS: Protect your pets during cold weather

Staff reports  |  Pet owners are encouraged to take active steps to protect their pets during coming cold weather.   Here are some tips from the Charleston Animal Society to help keep pets safe:

Keep cats inside. Domestic cats are not equipped for cold weather and can freeze, or become lost, stolen, injured or killed when seeking protection from the cold. 

Provide warm shelter for feral cats. This can be provided through a variety of resources found in most homes.  Simply take some kind of container, such as a storage bin, cat or dog carrier or even a sturdy box and provide it with insulation.  For insulation, you can line the container with a variety or combination of things such as a blanket or a pillow, Styrofoam or hay.

Bang loudly on your hood before starting your car. Outdoor or homeless cats often seek the warmth of a car engine. When the motor is started, a cat huddled there can be injured or killed by the fan belt.

by · 12/07/2020 · Comments are Disabled · Focus, Good news