In another intriguing tale from the author of A Man Called Ove, you meet a collection of characters living in an apartment complex in Britain. Elsa is a young girl trying to find her way in a world where she doesn’t fit. Her grandmother is her best friend and with a penchant for mischievousness- the two often get up to trouble in hilarious ways. But when Elsa’s grandmother passes, she is propelled on a treasure hunt where she must deliver”sorry” letters from Granny to various people- each letter providing the clue to finding the next stashed letter.
The journey helps Elsa make new friends and form a community with the those living in her complex. Backman weaves a fantasy world which intersects reality, providing Elsa a security blanket while she learns to stand on her own. A must read novel reminding us all to embrace one another for our differences and never lose touch with the magical world of our youth.
–– Michel Hammes, John’s Island Regional Library, John’s Island, S.C.
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