Some of column comment may smack of ageism, sexism
To the editor:
I agree with much of your analysis of the special elections in Georgia and South Carolina, and considerations for 2018.
But if Nancy Pelosi were to be replaced by someone younger, the Republican Party would just find another target. Elizabeth Warren, perhaps. And then they would weave a scary fiction about her that would become the next red meat for the base.
Encouraging an effective leader to step down because she is old could be considered ageism. The fact that we have a number of revered men in Congress who are not being targeted or asked to step down makes me wonder if there is also sexism afloat.
— Agnes Pomata, Wadmalaw Island, S.C.
Not rocket science what happened with special elections
To the editor:
Excellent analysis! Trump picked Cabinet members from safe [GOP] districts to make sure their successor candidates would win! No rocket science here .
— Al Ray, Charleston, S.C.
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