REVIEW: Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life

A book of advice by Byron Katie

00_recommendedThere are so many self-help and advice books out there that it is difficult to choose which one will actually help. Katie’s book, Loving What Is, introduces and explains “The Work,” a series of four questions that helped free Katie from her suffering.

In the beginning, Katie succinctly tells her own story of how she came out of deep depression by suddenly coming to a realization that our thoughts are not us and can hold us hostage, in a way, if we continue to believe them. The chapters that follow give examples of how Katie helps others, through The Work, to bring an end to thoughts that plagued them for a long time.

We do not have to suffer, as Loving What Is teaches, and can learn to love and enjoy reality just as it is. The Work makes it very simple. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, this is one advice book that I would highly recommend. The Work has brought me much joy and I hope it can do the same for many others.

— Reviewed by Helen Walker, Mount Pleasant Regional Library, Mount Pleasant, S.C.

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