FOCUS: How to get people to listen to you

By Ben Fanning, contributing editor | What do you do when you have the solution but no one is listening to you? Do you say it louder, tell the boss or keep saying it until you just give up in resentment?

If you’ve experienced this frustration, I’ve got a much easier approach to share with you. Try using the language of success to increase:

* Effective communication
* Openness to your ideas
* Acceptance of your requests.

In life, it seems easier to rely on job titles and organizational authority to get things done. This shows up whenever someone at a higher level in the organization asks (makes) someone else at a lower level do something, for example, when the CEO tells a manager to implement a new system or program. This can be effective short term, especially in a crisis when every second counts. But when it’s used repeatedly, this approach starts to lose its power.

by · 06/27/2016 · Comments are Disabled · Careers, Views