REVIEW: The Good Luck of Right Now

The Good Luck of Right Now, By Matthew Quick

00icon_recommendedBetter known as the author of the Silver Linings Playbook, Matthew Quick has followed it up with an excellent and quirky story centered on Bartholomew Neil.

For all of his 39 years, Bartholomew has lived with his mother, never knowing a father other than the parish priest, Father McNamee. When his mother dies of cancer, Bartholomew is forced to confront life on his own. Going through his mother’s things after her death, he finds a form letter written to her several years ago by Richard Gere referencing Tibet and the summer Olympics. This sets him on a path of self-reflection that is expressed through letters he writes to Gere. The letters are funny, insightful and full of wisdom. Along his journey, Bartholomew meets Elizabeth, the “Girlbrarian” (girl librarian) of his dreams and her foul mouthed brother Max. As they travel to Canada with Father McNamee to supposedly meet Bartholomew’s long lost father and see “Cat Parliament”, they each try to come to terms with the pain in their past and how they can move forward together.

Although Quick explores various aspects of mental illness, the story is never morose. The reader will find himself uplifted by the courage and determination of Bartholomew and his friends. Highly recommended.

— Mike Nelson, Mount Pleasant Library

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